Söderfors hembygdsförening museum

We preserve and make the environment and cultural heritage of Söderfors visuable.

Söderfors hembygdsförening museum


It was the miner Claes Depken, noble Anckarström, who in 1676 was commissioned to build an ironworks with the exclusive right to forge ship anchors for the Swedish navy. Over the years, Söderfors has been an important part of the country's history and is still a vibrant society. The mill is a state monument with white mill streets, church, manor house, English park with Greek temple and double anchor.


Used for Hembygdsföreningen gatherings and for rent to private individuals and associations. For booking contact Marianne Hedlund, tel 0293-312 54, 070-356 48 39


Is a decorated blacksmith cottage in 19th-century style that is shown to visitor. For booking, contact guide manager Gunnar Thollander, tel. 0293-307 49.


The smaller of the mill's two anchor forges is preserved. It was built in 1786 and anchorage lasted until 1883. Today the smithy functions as a museum. The slideshow "Järnarvet" is shown here.

The widow's house

Was built in 1776 on the initiative of Anna Johanna Grill d.ä. The house was a social investment for the mill's widows. Two rooms show how the widows lived during different time periods. There is also a meeting room and vacant office space for rent. Marianne Hedlund is responsible for renting out the meeting room. The widow's house is shown by appointment.


In the bakery at the parish home, Söderforsbröd is baked for sale at National Day and Open House in Advent. The association has also arranged baking courses. The bakery is also rented out to private individuals who want to bake their own bread. Marianne Hedlund takes care of the rental.
tel 0293-312 54, 070-356 48 39

The loom

The association's loom is housed in Bruksskolan's premises. Contact persons are Pia Eriksson, Marianne Jensen and Inga Warodell. Söderforslöpare woven in the loom and designed by Eva Olsson. Do you want to buy a runner or are you interested in weaving - contact Pia Eriksson, tel 070 - 595 13 35.

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