Eric Sahlstöm´s Folk Music Festival

Sat 19 Jul 15:00-Sat 19 Jul 22:00

Eric Sahlström`s Folk Music festival

The page is updated continously

At 1 p.m

Make music together with
Pre-registration to Annika Lidin Lindqvist 070-272 81 57

Inauguration Fiddler's meeting 15:00

Blown in by


Ditte Andersson

Inauguration speech:

From the program

  • "Allspel" playing together under the direction of Sonia Sahlström
  • Stage performances
  • Folk dance performance with Tensta folk dance group
  • Old dance with elements of pole shoes.
    Upplands Låtverkstad (ULV) Norra gatan 5, Trollrike spelmän

Craftsman of the year: Jörgen Ekberg together with Vendthjod- company for Vendeltid.

Food and coffee service

#Camping with access to toilet and shower SEK 150.


Admission: Adults 100 KR.
Fiddlers and young people under 18 are free admissions
but voluntary contributions are gratefully received for the preservation of the festival.

Parking 20 kr

Payment is made by Swish or cash.

The park offers good opportunities for socialising in the spirit of folk music. Of course, rain is no obstacle.
Play or listen wherever a bush game occurs.

Worship service

At Vendel's church 21 july at 11:00
Participates does fiddlers from the area.

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Eric Sahlströmsstämman in Vendel

Arr: Vendels hembygdsförening and IK Rex


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