Visfäst på Lugnet Small festival for music and poetry in the small village of Sätra between Marma and Västland Performing Arts The association Tierps Riksteaterförening arranges shows on different stages in Tierp municipality. The Cahman days in Lövstabruk The Cahman Days revolve around the church's famous Cahman organ. DANCING THE SMITHERY DANCING THE SMITHERY presents Dance on the historical sites of Sweden's early industry. Culture and leisure in Älvkarleby municipality Arrangements by or in cooperation with Älvkarleby municipality Örbyhus castle Örbyhus castle is beautifully situated by Lake Vendelsjön, 50 km north of Uppsala. Lövstabruks kulturförening Musik, konst, författar- och forskarmöten, aktiviteter för barn. Buckle Up Countryfestival Big family party at the folk park Ottarsborg with live country music. Eric Sahlström Institutet The Eric Sahlström Institute is a Swedish national center for traditional music and dance. Johannesgården Johannesgården is the office of the congregation in Skutskär Älvkarleby. Norra Upplands Kammarorkester Amateur orchestra established in the north ofUppland. Vendels hembygdsförening The purpose of the association is to care for and make Vendel's history and culture visible Hållnäs konstkoloni A family-run venue in Hållnäs for art residencies and courses in the forest close to the sea. Folkets Hus Rio Bio, Skutskär Cinema operations, concerts and other events. Rental of premises for meetings, events etc. Homestaed of Husbyborg Homestead for Tierps parish's homestead association Fallens dag in Älvkarleby Magical and powerful when the dam hatches open and Älvkarlebyfallen fills up with rushing water. Rock around the clock productions Experiences in the form of concert productions in music and performances. Kulturhuset Möbeln A house for creative meetings between people centrally in Tierp. Underway in Karlholm Current activities. Västland's church Västland's church is located on a ridge above Tämnarån about ten kilometers northeast of Tierp. Lövstabruk's church Lövstabruk's church is one of Sweden's most well-preserved baroque church rooms. Folkets Hus Karlholm Concerts, rental of premises for parties, weddings, meetings etc. Lövstabruk Chamber Music Festival 2024 A yearly chamber music festival in Lövstabruk, with Swedens most distinguished classical musicians. Slåttervallen - Folkpark - Sports ground Historic folk park and sports ground in Gårdskär - the village with a lot of charm