Västlands Keramik och Design Ceramic foundry with course activities. Shop with garden products and ceramics. Galleri PERPHORM Lövstabruk Culture and leisure in Älvkarleby municipality Arrangements by or in cooperation with Älvkarleby municipality Rustiksmide in Långsand Solid handmade ironwork that often carries marks after the hammer stroke in harmony with polished surfaces. Västanå Design Vårt möbelsnickeri finner ni i Eldhuset på Laxön i Älvkarleby. Karlholm Christmas Market Christmas market with pops, vendors, exhibitors, etc. Tolfta church Tolfta church is located on a ridge above Tämnar river about five kilometers north of Tierp. Vita Magasinet Vita Magasinet in Karlholmsbruk - Art and crafts since 1823 Stora Magasinet in Lövstabruk Tourist information, shop and art exhibitions . Galerie 9 Gallery in Lövstabruk. Open in July 2021, Tuesday - Sunday from 12 - 16 Welcome! Handcraft at Laxön Handcrafts created by knowledge and with love for the craft Glassblowers Rundlöf & Melhus Welcome to the country! Artist Johan Thunberg Johan Thunberg´s art is a tribute to nature´s beauty and the macic of light. Eila Väisänen Design Jag skapar konst och man kan boka mig för olika kreativa workshops. I create art and have workshops. Moa Art Gallery Exhibition and shop - watercolour and egg tempera Sikhjälma Gammelhamn A special hideaway with sunrise and sunset by the sea. Rent a canoe/S.U.P. Unique natural flora. Tierps Boden The small shop with the big scents. Ida Andersson Collection All pieces of jewellery are made by hand by local silversmith Ida Andersson. Hantverkets Hus - a handicraft shop in Lovstabruk Craft shop with open studio Ceramist Åsa Eriksson Welcome to my ceramics workshop & shop at Laxön in Älvkarleby Kulturhuset Möbeln A house for creative meetings between people centrally in Tierp. The Art Tour Konst på väg Welcome to the annual art tour that attracts thousands of visitors to Norduppland. Underway in Karlholm Current activities. Åddebo ull Wool carding mill and a farm shop. We sell carded wool and all the tools you need for felting. Photo Expo Laxön A one-of-a-kind outdoor photography exhibition. Open 24/7 all summer long.