Älvkarleby museum Gammelgården Open-air museum Gammelgården with houses and objects dating back to the 18th century. Forestry and elk horn museum in Strömsberg It's a forest museum showing the work of the forest workers. Boat trenches in Vendel - "The Vendel Period" When the cemetery at Vendel's church was to be expanded in 1881, so well preserved and unique finds were made that they were given names for a whole period of time: The Vendel Period. Örbyhus castle Örbyhus castle is beautifully situated by Lake Vendelsjön, 50 km north of Uppsala. Tieps Hembygdsgille Visit Tierp's homestead, here there are around ten old houses and an outdoor dance floor. Klaverens house Here is a collection of keyboard instruments that are unique. Enkhuset Old House for single mothers Galerie 9 Gallery in Lövstabruk. Open in July 2021, Tuesday - Sunday from 12 - 16 Welcome! Söderfors hembygdsförening museum We preserve and make the environment and cultural heritage of Söderfors visuable. Gottfrid Skytts Carpentry Lövstabruk In Skytts Snickeri you can experience an old genuine carpentry workshop with hand tools and machins. Ullfors Bruk Ullfors mill was established in the mid-17th century. It is an idyllic environment by Tämnarån. The blacksmith's home Here you can experience how the smiths lived. Vendels hembygdsförening The purpose of the association is to care for and make Vendel's history and culture visible Lövstabruk´s mansion and orangery Experience a genuine mansion environment from the 18th century Homestaed of Husbyborg Homestead for Tierps parish's homestead association Local committees Lövstabruk's Hembygdsfören consists of: Skolgården, Smedsbostad, Skytts Snickeri and Lövsta Gamers. Anchor forge in Söderfors Old anchor forge in Söderfors bruk Nostalgimuseum in Strömsbergs Bruk Join us on a nostalgic journey in a unique museum, where you travel through a time period of 100 y. Kulturhuset Möbeln A house for creative meetings between people centrally in Tierp. Blacksmith's cottage Soderfors Gammelgården Söderfors is a decorated 19th-century blacksmith's cottage