Tieps Hembygdsgille

Visit Tierp's homestead, here there are around ten old houses and an outdoor dance floor.

Tieps Hembygdsgille

Homestaed in the middle of Tierps Köping

History of the association

Tierp's hometown guild was formed in 1937 by some interested Köping residents. With the participation of the municipality of Tierp, a place was designated in Sveaparken, which was built as early as 1905.

Here, the creation of a homestead farm began, which could be inaugurated in 1934. The facility is in the middle of the community, between Grevegatan and Sveavägen. The planning of the homestead was carried out with the help of curator Nils Åhlenius from the Upplandsmuseet.

Builders from all over the municipality of Tierp

Today you find about ten buildings here from various places in the large municipality of Tierp's old municipal parts. Over the years, the collections of objects have become extensive, which also means a lot of maintenance work being done continuously.

Gathering place with a playground

In addition to this, the homestead is also a gathering place for Tierps residents. Among other things, we have a small play park for the smaller children and several pokemon stops (for the mobile game PokemonGO) that draw visitors on fine days.


We also offer the option of renting Gammelgården for events. You can find more information about this under the tab "Rent Old Farm"

Questions and involvement in the association

Do you have questions or are you interested in joining the association?
Please contact us!